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This website ( is the official website of the Baroness Cox of Queensbury and the content is managed on Lady Cox's behalf and content provided and onwed by Baroness Cox News.
Baroness Cox.Com does its best to provide quality, news reports and information on topics of interest to Baroness Cox's supporters. Nonetheless, expresses no opinion on any of the events, people, entities or views discussed in the articles or comments shared in our media summaries. All articles are shared here solely for the interest of our readers.
Social Media: @BaronessCoxNews is the official Twitter account of this website ( to promote the views, advocacy and the many charitable works of the Baroness Cox of Queensbury. It also supports by retweeting the many charities and interests that Lady Cox has. It is a managed account on behalf of Lady Cox by Baroness Cox News.
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Office of Baroness Cox
House of Lords
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The purpose of is to highlight the positive works of Baroness Caroline Cox and to enable her supporters to keep up to date with her work and enable to show support by getting involved either by providing help with the charities Lady Cox is involved with, leaving positive comments on this website. Or interacting and showing support on the @BaronessCoxNews Twitter and account.
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